How to fix the internet

Megan Morrone
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2 min readMar 12, 2020
Illustration: Simone Noronha

Hello OneZero readers,

This week marks 31 years since computer scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee sent out his first proposal for an information management system, which later became the backbone of the first communication on the internet. As OneZero readers know well, it hasn’t all been funny cat GIFs since then.

READ: Why the Web Isn’t Working for Women and Girls

Some quick context: To mark the web’s 30th anniversary last year, Berners-Lee issued a call to action to activists, academics, policymakers, and corporations around the world to come together to help build a better internet, with a specific focus on human rights, democracy, scientific fact, and public safety.

This year, in a letter published on OneZero, Berners-Lee focuses specifically on how building a better world depends on making the web better for women and girls. Online gender inequality ranges from lack of access to the internet to cyberbullying that causes girls to skip school. It doesn’t have to be that way.

If you have ideas about how to make the web better, I want to hear about them. You can publish your story on Medium and tag it with “Make The Web Better,” or you can send your story directly to me at megan [at] medium [dot] com.

Thanks for reading!

Megan Morrone
Senior Platform Editor, OneZero




Published in OneZero

OneZero is a former publication from Medium about the impact of technology on people and the future. Currently inactive and not taking submissions.

Megan Morrone
Megan Morrone

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