Will Humans of the Future be Limbless Drones?

And other thought experiments from three imaginative artists

Alex Vikmanis
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2018


Fanny Luor

EEvolution may not change human bodies very much in the next century, but you never know what new technology we’ll create that will change the way we look, move, and interact with each other. As part of our monthly magazine, Future Human, we allowed several illustrators each week to run wild with their vision of what humanity will be like far into the future. Find previous installments of the project here, here, and here.

Along with their illustrations, each artist wrote about their imagined future. Their ideas are wild, bold, and radically different from one another: mix and match body parts, avatar masks, and drone bodies.

What kind of human do you want to be?

Richie Pope

From Dallas, TX

In a future where automation is both ubiquitous and seamless, societies are communal. Jobs are based on hobbies, leisure is worshipped, and the concept of a gender-fluid village raising a child is reimagined into a concept known as…

