General Intelligence

We Need to Know How Often Facial Recognition Fails

Lawmakers are in a race against facial recognition companies

Dave Gershgorn
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2020


Photo illustration. Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Welcome to General Intelligence, OneZero’s weekly dive into the A.I. news and research that matters.

One of the most serious facial recognition technology failures may never have come to light if it wasn’t for a single tweet. “I’d love to talk to you about Detroit’s facial recognition & my family,” Melissa Williams, a food blogger whose husband had been wrongfully arrested due to faulty use of facial recognition, tweeted to an outreach coordinator for the ACLU of Michigan.

Months later, the story of Robert Williams’ wrongful arrest was in the New York Times, Washington Post, and NPR. Police had run a blurry image of a Black man through their facial recognition engine, and unknown algorithmic arithmetic brought them to Robert Williams.

The New York Times indicated that Williams’ arrest was the first time a poor facial recognition match led to an arrest like this in the United States. But it may be just the tip of the iceberg.

How many people have been caught up in similar mistakes but don’t know that facial recognition led to their arrest? How many don’t know to tweet at an ACLU outreach coordinator…




Published in OneZero

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Dave Gershgorn
Dave Gershgorn

Written by Dave Gershgorn

Senior Writer at OneZero covering surveillance, facial recognition, DIY tech, and artificial intelligence. Previously: Qz, PopSci, and NYTimes.

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