This Machine Turns Trump Tweets into Planned Parenthood Donations

And it’s open source so you can help make it better

Max Braun


Artist’s impression

Like many who call the United States their home, I have been worried and confused by the start to Donald Trump’s presidency. It’s hard to know how to react to the misdirected anger, the blatant racism, and the “alternative facts”, which are increasingly threatening our civil liberties and our planet. It’s important that we take to the streets and fight back. Seeing that happen does give me hope.

Personally, I have a very particular set of skills, skills that allow me to have some fun with Mr. Trump’s emotional incontinence and maybe effect positive change along the way.

Our new President really likes to use Twitter. He uses it to express strong opinions about all sorts of things. Occasionally, those opinions are targeted at publicly traded companies. You see where this is going.

Take this recent outburst of his, directed at Toyota. Their stock price abruptly dropped right after Trump’s tweet.



Max Braun

Builder & inventor. Formerly Google, Everyday Robots, X.