The Human Zeal for Adventure Has a Genetic Basis

A new study shows that a gene identified in fruit flies may help explain why some of us take risks—and some stay at home

Erman Misirlisoy, PhD


Credit: HeitiPaves/Getty Images

AsAs humans, we like to think that we occupy a special place within the animal kingdom, and we’re often surprised when we see other animals expressing humanlike qualities. Even our closest living relatives—other primates—impress us by using basic tools or expressing emotions. But if we profiled our commonalities with other species in detail, we might be less likely to harbor exaggerated perceptions of human superiority. The best way to dispel illusions about what it means to be human is to compare our behaviors to the behaviors of the simplest animals we can find — including Drosophila, also known as humble fruit fly.

There’s one particular behavioral question that unites many animal species: “Should I explore the wider environment or exploit my current environment?”

For most animals, the question relates to whether they should remain in a familiar location, where they understand the availability of food and risks from predators, or explore entirely new and potentially dangerous environments in order to improve their options. For humans in the developed world—unlike for many animals—the question usually lacks fatal…



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