The Case for Genetically Engineering Ethical Humans

Some argue it’s the only way to save the species

Bryan Walsh
Published in
12 min readJul 26, 2018


Illustration by Johanna Walderdorff

AAugust 1, 2018 … The age of the downloadable gun formally begins.” So says the website of Defense Distributed, a nonprofit that creates and publishes blueprints for 3-D printed weapons. Cody Wilson — the founder of Defense Distributed, a libertarian and one of the 15 most dangerous people in the world according to Wired magazine — put up plans for a printable gun in 2013. Called “the Liberator,” it was a single-shot pistol made mostly of plastic. Shortly after the blueprints were put online the State Department ordered them removed, citing a possible violation of firearm export rules. Wilson sued, and in June the State Department decided to settle his case, winning him the right to put the plans back online — while also recouping nearly $40,000 in legal fees from the U.S. government.

Gun-rights advocates are celebrating the settlement as “the end of gun control,” in the words of Fox News columnist John Lott Jr.

That may seem hyperbolic, if only because a gun is one thing that is not hard to buy in America. While a printed, largely plastic gun may be able to slip past some metal detectors and won’t carry a serial number, the designs are still inferior to conventional firearms, and…



Bryan Walsh
Writer for

Journalist, author, dad. Former TIME magazine editor and foreign correspondent. Author of END TIMES, a book about existential risk and the end of the world.