
Social Media Spoilers Won’t Ruin ‘Avengers’ (or Any Other Movie)

They might actually help you like it more

Angela Lashbrook
Published in
6 min readApr 24, 2019


© Marvel Studios

In Microprocessing, columnist Angela Lashbrook aims to improve your relationship with technology every week. Microprocessing goes deep on the little things that define your online life today, to give you a better tomorrow.

This story contains spoilers for the most recent season of The Magicians.

TThe star of one of my favorite shows ever, The Magicians, unexpectedly dies in the season four finale. Among the handful of fans on my Twitter feed, people were either sharing very obvious spoilers or bemoaning them.

And you know what? Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me. Quentin is dead, and that’s sad, but knowing that going into the show didn’t affect how much I enjoyed the finale. In fact, it may have made me appreciate it more. Research shows that spoilers don’t have the negative impact many of us assume they do.

Yet absolute terror of spoilers abounds across the internet. On Twitter, people treat spoiler warnings like alerts that you’re about to drive into a radioactive fallout zone. Entertainment websites plaster spoiler warnings on articles, rightfully terrified of the hordes who rage against anything they recognize…




Published in OneZero

OneZero is a former publication from Medium about the impact of technology on people and the future. Currently inactive and not taking submissions.

Angela Lashbrook
Angela Lashbrook

Written by Angela Lashbrook

I’m a columnist for OneZero, where I write about the intersection of health & tech. Also seen at Elemental, The Atlantic, VICE, and Vox. Brooklyn, NY.

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