Quitting Facebook Isn’t Enough

It’s not your fault the social media giant is like this

Eric Ravenscraft


Today, Facebook’s self-created Oversight Board released a decision and guidance about whether or not the social network made the right call in banning the former President of the United States from its platform after a deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

I have a confession though. It’s all my fault. None of this would’ve happened if I had just quit Facebook.

I could’ve stopped it.

It’s hard to talk about the problems with Facebook without being told that the solution is to “Just quit Facebook.” You’re annoyed by the flood of unnecessary notifications from the app? Quit Facebook. Your data got scooped up by a quiz app your friend used and was sold off for political purposes? Quit Facebook. Concerned that the platform might be aiding or even facilitating a foreign genocide? Quit Facebook!

At first glance, the logic makes some sense. After all, Facebook gets its power from its users, right? You keep scrolling through the news feed…



Eric Ravenscraft

Eric Ravenscraft is a freelance writer from Atlanta covering tech, media, and geek culture for Medium, The New York Times, and more.