“Much the way milliseconds can mean millions to hedge funds using robotraders, a smartphone perched in a tree can be the key to getting a $15 delivery route before someone else.”

Damon Beres
Published in
Sep 2, 2020


Gig workers, facing more competition due to rising joblessness in the United States, are taking drastic measures to game Amazon’s delivery system, according to a new report from Bloomberg. The story speaks to the power of Amazon’s platform—and the desperate state of workers who are trying to make ends meet in an emerging hustle economy that’s defined by apps and online services.




Published in OneZero

OneZero is a former publication from Medium about the impact of technology on people and the future. Currently inactive and not taking submissions.

Damon Beres
Damon Beres

Written by Damon Beres

Co-Founder and Former Editor in Chief, OneZero at Medium

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