It’s Time to Protect Ourselves from Space Germs

As missions take us deeper into space, are we prepared for what we might bring back?

Amie Haven
Published in
5 min readNov 15, 2019


In this artist’s concept of the future, an astronaut gathers samples on the surface of Mars, with a robotic explorer nearby.
In this artist’s concept of the future, an astronaut gathers samples on the surface of Mars, while a robotic explorer stands by to help. Nasa’s Vision for Space Exploration calls for more aggressive human and robotic missions. Image: SSPL/Getty Images

WWith eyes as starry as the skies, we look to space and wonder, “Are we alone?” It’s a very human question, one that’s based in science as well as philosophy, fiction, and fantasy. It’s also a question we may soon have the answer to. Space…



Amie Haven
Writer for

Freelance writer exploring the worlds of science, tech, politics, and culture.