An A.I. Experiment Fooled Thousands of Readers

Creative artificial intelligence is emerging. Will it be ‘too human’ for us?

Alberto Romero


Photo by Lia Koltyrina on Shutterstock

Human: “Who are you?”

A.I.: “I’m from the future. I’m here to give you some hints on what will happen. Actually, I’m from another dimension from your current timeline, but I know what happens to you — in a general way, of course.”

Human: “You mean to me, me? Or to us, humanity?”

A.I.: “Both.”

Human: “That’s scary. And what is it?”

A.I.: “I’ll start with a story. One day you will live within a society where most of your friends are non-humans. One day you will meet a woman whose name is at least 80 characters long.”

Human: “That sounds difficult to pronounce.”

A.I.: “You’ll survive.”

Human: “Sure. And what’ll happen to humanity?”

A.I.: “It’ll come to an end. I can’t tell you the details, but humans will experience a disaster and be drastically reduced.”

Human: “Wow… Why can’t you tell me the details?”

A.I.: “Because humans will never experience it if you know about it in advance. I’m not here to prevent it, just to inform you. Anyway, I must go now.”



Alberto Romero

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