Nerd Processor

Dear Marvel Studios: Your Cosmos Isn’t Nearly as Interesting as You Think It Is

Captain Marvel’s biggest problem isn’t the superhero, it’s the galaxy she lives in

Rob Bricken
Published in
6 min readMar 15, 2019


Image: Marvel Studios/Disney

CCaptain Marvel is by no means the greatest superhero film ever made. Even so, many people found Marvel Studio’s first and long overdue movie led by a female character to be unexpectedly lackluster. The titular hero may not have the cultural cache of Wonder Woman, but the Air Force pilot-turned-alien super-soldier Carol Danvers isn’t the problem (nor is Brie Larson’s well-reviewed performance). The real problem is that Marvel has vastly overestimated how much people care about what’s happening in its movie universe’s… well, universe.

Let me stop you before you tell me how much you love Guardians of the Galaxy and its sequel, or the goofy, retro delight of Thor: Ragnarok. Yes, all three of these ostensibly comic book films are undoubtedly science fiction that primarily take place in space or on other planets. And it’s undeniable that the first Avengers movie and Avengers: Infinity War featured alien invasions and became two of the highest-grossing films in history. Based off box office receipts, at least, audiences seem to love the wider Marvel cosmos.




Published in OneZero

OneZero is a former publication from Medium about the impact of technology on people and the future. Currently inactive and not taking submissions.

Rob Bricken
Rob Bricken

Written by Rob Bricken

The former editor of, Rob Bricken has been a professional nerd since 2001. He also often cries at children's cartoons.

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