Amazon’s Efforts to Silence Climate Whistleblowers Are Backfiring

The tech giant has moved to suppress employee activism on climate change, but its most vocal workers remain unbowed

Brian Merchant


Photo: Karen Ducey / Stringer/Getty Images

WWhen Amazon threatened to fire a number of employees for calling on the online retailer to improve its climate policies, the intent seemed obvious: Quiet the growing number of voices speaking out from inside the company about Amazon’s dealings with the oil industry and its laggard plans to reduce carbon output.

Amazon’s move to muzzle its staff was seen as alarming, even disturbing by tech employees, but has only succeeded in instigating what former Google worker and walkout organizer Meredith Whittaker has described as a Streisand effect. The company’s action has drawn attention to the issue, driving many tech workers at Amazon and beyond to speak out louder and further, and in some cases entrenching a dedication to agitate for change.

“Amazon has tried to silence us.”

The targeted Amazon employees shared the story of their workplace intimidation with the press, where it was covered by the Washington Post, the Guardian, and others. They were nervous about speaking out, for good reason. Amazon has reportedly invoked a new internal rule about how…



Brian Merchant

Senior editor, OneZero, books, futures, fiction. Author of The One Device: The Secret History of the iPhone, founder of Terraform @ Motherboard @ VICE.