Katherine Egland, founder of Education, Economics, Environmental, Climate, and Health Organization (EEECHO), a Gulf Coast environmental and social justice coalition. Photography: William Widmer

Black in the Time of Climate Change

15 Years After Katrina, a Fight Against ‘the Jim Crow of Climate Change’ Rages on in the Gulf Coast

After inequitable responses to Hurricanes Katrina and Harvey, climate activists are preparing their communities for the next storm

Published in
12 min readJan 15, 2020


This is the second story in a new series from OneZero. “Black in the Time of Climate Change” will examine how Black communities across the United States experience and adapt to environmental degradation and other impacts of global warming.

WWhen Hurricane Katrina hit Mississippi in August 2005, it blew the front door off of Katherine Egland’s Gulfport home. Egland, a longtime civil rights activist, says three-quarters of her house was destroyed, including a six-foot-tall privacy fence, the entire front porch, and her husband’s newly renovated “retirement man cave.”

Egland, an NAACP board member who lives in a middle-class, predominantly-white neighborhood, received relatively swift relief after the storm. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) like the Red Cross and Salvation Army, she says, delivered meals to her neighborhood every day in the immediate aftermath.




Published in OneZero

OneZero is a former publication from Medium about the impact of technology on people and the future. Currently inactive and not taking submissions.

Drew Costley
Drew Costley

Written by Drew Costley

Drew Costley is a Staff Writer at FutureHuman covering the environment, health, science and tech. Previously @ SFGate, East Bay Express, USA Today, etc.

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